If you follow my Instagram account you’ll know that since I discovered I was pregnant I cut out all caffeine. Yup, that’s right folks – I don’t drink coffee unless it’s decaffeinated. I’ve been doing my best to drink more water but to be honest – I really haven’t gotten that creative with it. My idea of flavoring water is adding a few slices of lemon. So I turned to Pinterest for some inspiration – and, as always – it didn’t fail me.

Here are 10 Summertime drinks that I can’t wait to try:

  1. Honeydew Cooler
  2. Fruit Water
  3. Watermelon Mint Cooler
  4. Crystal Light Water with Fruit
  5. DIY Mocha Frappuccinno
  6. Iced Citrus Green Tea
  7. Iced Passion Tea Lemonade
  8. Citrus & Raspberry Lime Flavored Water
  9. Blueberry Tea
  10. Watermelon Breeze Drink

To see my Pinterest board FULL of drink ideas – visit here!