
Sometimes I take on way too much – because I love to get things accomplished. At any given time I have a running list of about 15 things I’d like to do around the house, with work, with Wyatt, etc. For some reason I’ve always found it difficult to just sit still and relax. Even when my husband and I are watching a movie I’m constantly getting up for various reasons – it drives him nuts. I’m sure this has something to do with my Anxiety disorder (did I ever talk about that?) – so I can’t really be too hard on myself – but sometimes it can get pretty bothersome.

I love the feeling of checking something off the list. And when I get something in my head – I feel this rush to immediately get it done. I hate putting things off to the last minute or waiting until the “right time”.

Lately I’ve been trying to force myself to move a little bit slower. It really is a lot to take on – I’m a stay-at-home mom, full-time student, and a little over part-time Virtual Assistant, oh – and blogger. I realized that I can’t do it all. I need to prioritize better. So, I’ve started really scheduling things out – and when it comes to work – I only allow myself to do a certain number of tasks per day so I’m not up until all hours of the night trying to get things done (which is what it’s been like lately).

I schedule all of Wyatt’s speech therapy and classes way ahead of schedule and I plan our days around him. Which is how it should be. Before I would spend almost every moment that he wasn’t awake doing school work or work. But, I’m almost 5 & 1/2 months pregnant and I just can’t do that anymore. The other night I actually nodded off while on the computer working – yeah, it actually happened.

I need to listen to my body, ask for help more often, and realize that just because something doesn’t get “checked-off” right away – doesn’t mean it’s never going to get accomplished.

My family, my son, my marriage, and our health is what matters. And when I’m 90 looking back I want to remember all of those little, precious moments – not how I aced every paper or how many clients I had.

And that my friends, is my realization – and it feels so freeing.