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Lately I’ve been feeling grateful.

For everything – for my family, for my job, my home, everything.

When we made the switch from my husband leaving his job to me blogging full-time I have to admit I was scared. More like terrified. I didn’t know how well it was going to work out or if we would be okay. But what I did know was that my husband worked a job in a shop that he hated, when he really wanted to teach. And I had the blog, which I loved, and wanted to dedicate more time to. And we both agreed that life is just too short to do anything that doesn’t make us happy. And we weren’t happy. So we made a change.

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I set up an office, and started working. 

It’s not easy. I work over 40+ hours a week. But I love it, every minute. I schedule my time and work as much as possible when the boys are sleeping. I take breaks, often. We eat as many meals together as possible, and it’s been nice to have everyone at the dinner table each night, together. Before the boys and I would eat together but William wouldn’t be there. Before William wasn’t there to help put the boys to bed. And now he gets to kiss each one of them before tucking them in at night.

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William has done an amazing job with the little ones while I’ve blogged. We’ve been able to build our daily schedule around the boys – and not work. We spend more time together as a family. We do more fun things. And we are so much happier, all of us.

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We’re still in the process of getting our schedule down, because each day varies. And I’m sure as soon as William starts teaching next month we will have to re-work our schedule again. But this change has given William the time to finish everything he needed to finish before starting to teach, it has allowed me to do something that I truly love, and it has brought opportunities to our family that I never even thought were possible.

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And when Wyatt started school this week we were both there to drop him off. 

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So again, I am feeling grateful. Because I have a job that I love, and I know that is a luxury. I work hard, everyday. But I am working toward my dream. Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to write, and I never would have imagined that it would be on a blog – but through this little space on the internet so many things have come to fruition.

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I just wanted to tell you all of this because I wanted you to know. If you’re not happy – if you’ve got a dream – follow it. If you have a passion, ignite it. 

And if you have questions about blogging, about doing it as a job, about transforming your blog, etc. Please leave them in the comments below. I would love to write a series about my experience – and I’d love to help others too. I’m no expert – but I’d love to help you follow your dream if I can!