Disclosure: I participated in Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Baby Mantra. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. #BabyMantra #MC


Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! 

Today we’re going to talk about Baby Mantra products! As you know, I’ve got two adorable babes – and they’ve both got sensitive skin. Wyatt has eczema as well so we have to be very particular about the products that we buy. Whatever products I buy the boys will share, so I want to be smart about what I’m stocking up on. We’ve recently discovered Baby Mantra, and I can’t even express how awesome these products are. Not only to they smell great, they’re also made responsibly.


Top Reasons Why I love them:

  • All ingredients are organic and NPA certified
  • cruelty-free
  • gluten-free
  • conscious packaging
  • made in the U.S.
  • Inspired by all-natural, home-based remedies
  • + so much more!


Our routine for bedtime is pretty simple, but we’ve started incorporating essential oils into it as well. I start off by giving the boys a warm bath, they love lots of bubbles and the Baby Mantra bubble bath is just amazing! It smells great and creates big, billowy bubbles! We also use the wash/shampoo. It’s got an amazing coconut oil base and is really moisturizing. Then I get them out, dry them off, lather them in the calming lotion and then finish off with a mix of coconut oil and lavender essential oil that I massage into their feet. I really feel like the scent of lavender has helped both boys sleep sounder and it’s definitely a staple. The calming massage oil is also great for foot massages and back massages! Wyatt LOVES getting his feet rubbed ๐Ÿ™‚

You can pick up Baby Mantra products at: BabiesRUs.com, Select Walgreens & Duane Reade Stores, and Amazon!

What are your favorite bath products for littles?