Disclosure: A huge thanks to The Motherhood and ConAgra Foods Foundation for sponsoring today’s discussion.



Did you know 1 in 5 kids are at risk for child hunger?

16 MILLION kids in America aren’t getting the food they need.


That’s a lot of little ones out there – that is why ConAgra Foods and the ConAgra Foods Foundation are working hard and recruiting the youth to help make a difference in their communities and tackle hunger. For more than 20 years, ConAgra Foods and the ConAgra Foods Foundation have been working so hard to fight child hunger in America. From donating food, investing in partnerships, they’ve been doing everything possible to find solutions to this huge problem. Wyatt and I were inspired to take part and gather up a large donation for our local food pantry.

food donation

 This isn’t the first time that we’ve been able to donate, and it won’t be the last. I’ll tell you why. First, because it is important for William and I to instill in our children the importance of helping others. It’s so important to do what you can to help those in need and donating food is something that kids can definitely help do. Second, when Wyatt and I walk into the food pantry and drop off our donation, the folks there are SO grateful. They thank Wyatt over and over for being such a kind boy and Wyatt walks around with a huge smile on his face. He LOVES doing things that help others, and I want him to have that positive attitude about helping. When we were shopping for food to donate we made sure to grab a few Gluten Free options, things just like Wyatt eats to make the experience more personable.

It makes me feel good to know that Wyatt is starting these things at a young age and I can only hope that one day he will encourage his own kids to do the same.

During Aprilโ€™s National Service Month, youth from all over the US worked to complete a service project of their choice that helps to fightschild hunger in their community. This includes a variety of activities from benefit concerts to cooking meals. The grant winners received $500 grants from the ConAgra Foods Foundation as part of generationOnโ€™s โ€œMake Your Markโ€ on Hunger campaign. I’d love to take this chance to say congrats to Hannah Lufkin, Ionia, MI! Great work, Hannah! To learn more about the campaign, visit http://www.generationon.org/hunger.

Helping to fight child hunger isnโ€™t something ConAgra can do alone. They need YOUR help. They also partnered with Soul Pancake to hear what kids thought about the issue and ways we all might be able to help. Let’s see what the kids thought:

Want to know how YOU can help?

  •  First, you can visit http://www.childhungerendshere.com for some fun project ideas and to learn more about child hunger.
  • Discover more about ConAgra Foods and how they’re attempting to fight hunger HERE.

The best thing you can do is just start. Take that step, even if it’s donating one can of food to a local panty, even if it’s just helping to spread the word, everyone can do something to help!

Are you working to help fight child hunger in your community? Use the #FightHungerTogether hashtag to help inspire others to make a difference in their communities!

