This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Oregon Chaiยฎ. The opinions and text are all mine.

Keep scrolling to read my 5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays. #AD #OregonChai #ChaiTea #MeTime

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

Let’s be honest, the holiday season can be just as stressful as it is fun. You’re running around zooming your way from holiday party to school events and more, and it’s so easy to get caught up in it all and not take time to slow down and actually enjoy the season. This has definitely been a problem of mine each year, and this year I made a promise to myself that I’d take time out to breathe in between the craziness.

I promised to make time to have some me time during the holidays, and I wanted to share a few of the ways I’ll be having me time this holiday season!

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

  1. Quiet Time | The magic of sitting in a completely quiet room for a few minutes is totally underrated. I have a nightly routine that takes only a few minutes out of my day, but makes a huge difference. I plan and block off 30 minutes after the kids go to bed to shower, put on cozy pajamas, and enjoy a cup of Oregon Chaiยฎ tea latte. My husband is also a huge chai tea lover so I like to make enough for the both of us to enjoy. Chai tea lattes offer on-trend flavors and are an indulgent and better-for-you alternative. They offer many gourmet and trendy flavor profiles.
  2. Getting Lost in A Good Book | Reading and getting lost in a good book can really transport you to a whole other place. I recently finished the book Big Magic (highly recommend) and I loved that I was able to crack open the book and just get lost in another space for a bit. It really helped me destress and take my mind off of things. This holiday season I am on the hunt for another great book that I can read to get me through the season. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below!
  3. Spa Night In | Another one of my favorite ways to spend me time is to treat myself to a spa night in! I head into Meijer and pick up a face mask, a new nail color, and some bath soak and take an hour to completely relax and pamper myself. I love putting on relaxing music, soaking in the tub with a face mask on, and just letting my mind drift.
  4. Get Outside | I know what you’re thinking – it’s cold this time of year. But nothing makes me feel more at ease than going for a quick lap around the block with my dogs. I think it’s the combination of the quiet winter air brushing against my cheeks and feeling my heart beat inside my chest as I walk through the snowy streets. The best time for walks (in my opinion) is around 6pm when it’s starting to get dark and the sun displays gorgeous purples and pinks. So calming!
  5. Yoga | I will be totally honest and tell you I’m a yoga newbie. Yoga pants, yeah, those I’ve been wearing as a staple for years – but actually doing yoga – it’s totally new to me. So far, I’m absolutely loving it. It calms me, trains me to focus on my breathing and body movement, and it’s something I feel great about making time for. I’d really love to get into the routine of waking up a half hour earlier than the kids each day so I can do my yoga in the morning when the house is quiet and still. This is definitely something I’ll be implementing throughout the holiday season to keep my stress levels down, and it’s a great way to have me time each and every day!

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

Oh, and because I know you’re probably still dreaming about chai tea from reading about it earlier, I get mine at Meijer. It’s right in the coffee and tea aisle and it’s on the very top shelf. Meijer has 3 delicious flavors; The Original, Sugar-Free, and Slightly Sweet – my favorite is The Original because it’s perfectly sweet and is the perfect must-have for a chai tea latte at home. Plus, the Original and Slightly Sweet flavors are Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified. The Oregon Chai website has a bunch of delicious recipe ideas, so you can use your Oregon Chai to try new drinks ideas this season.

Meijer also has an mPerks offer so you can save money when you head to Meijer to pick up some Oregon Chai for yourself!

My favorite way to enjoy Oregon Chai tea is just to mix it with equal parts milk, heat, and enjoy!

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays

So tell me, how do YOU make me time for yourself during the holiday season?

What is your favorite way to enjoy Oregon Chai Tea?


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5 Ways to Celebrate Me Time During the Holidays