I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you all!
I promise I will be up and crafting {for the blog} very soon!
I figured I owed you guys a look into what I’ve been working on and an explanation.
I’ve been working like a mad gal trying to get things sold and listed on my Etsy.
All the profits from this store go to my fertility treatments.
{Is that too much info- I think we’re friends- right?}
I’ve been put in a bit of a time-crunch since I have Endometerosis and Interstital Cystitis and I’m trying my best to make things work. I’m 24 years old, and didn’t expect to be dealing with all of this so soon- but, the doctors tell me different. I’ve had surgery- numerous tests- etc. Please read the “about this blog” section for more info on my situation. My husband and I were told that if we want to conceive a child- ever, now is the time. We’ve been trying for 6 months with no luck- and the doctors tell us from here on out- things will get very expensive. I used to be so ashamed, but- what’s the point? Yeah, this isn’t an ideal situation, but it’s here and I’m facing it. Anyways- enough of this pity party– right? I’m a strong girl and can get through this :).
Just wanted to give you a heads up as to what’s going on- and why I’m frantically creating and listing things on my Etsy & Ebay. Craziness. I would appreciate any advice from those who have been through this before- anyone else ever receive fertility treatments- what would you recommend starting off with? What have you tried?
Enough of that- here are the headbands!
(If you don’t like what you see- that’s okay too)
To contact me personally– email me @ [email protected]
or send me a message through facebook (link in sidebar).
Thank you all so much for the kindness you show me each week. I appreciate you all so much!
{PS: me sharing my story with you is in NO WAY an attempt to sell you my things, I’m just being honest and open- so others who read this know that they’re not alone, and they shouldn’t ever give up}
Hot glued fingers & pretty felt flowers,
So cute! About the fertility treatments…my husband and I still have a few years before we start trying to get pregnant…but I work with THREE women all in their 20s and 30s who are undergoing fertility treatments, and have been for a few years now. I know it’s a long and frustrating process, but there ARE good results from it! Let us know how the process goes for you!
Christina- thank you SO much for your comment. The hubby had planned that when we were both out of school- and maybe even some years later- we would try. But, that’s not the way things turned out- we are trying our best to be strong and endure. Thank you for your sweet words. And I will keep you updated ๐
I love you! The Chelsea is my favorite so far! Check out https://coyotekind.blogspot.com/ You will live forever as a Coyote Kind, Etsy Pick of the Week! XOXO
Thank you so much “Coyote Kind” I love you too!
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