Searching for "wyatt"

Usually putting on a snow suit is a huge ordeal. But, somehow today we got incredibly lucky. Wyatt fell asleep before the snowsuit was put on, and since he hasn’t been feeling well- he hasn’t gotten much sleep. So when he finally did zonk out, he was passed out. So putting on his suit was […]

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Cleaned up Wyatt’s room tonight after he was put to bed. Because that’s what I do late at night, clean and organize. I guess we just never fully unpacked from moving and things just got put in his closet. I pulled everything out and made sure everything had a place. {took forever!}But, one of my goals for 2012 was to be more organized […]

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Yesterday night at around six, I noticed Wyatt getting a little stuffy. Really congested, bad coughs – the works. My little bug has a bit of a bug, his first ever. So I sat with him in the bathroom with the shower on as hot as it could go and we “steamed” for a bit. […]

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Dear Wyatt, I cannot believe it has already been 8 months since you were born. You have taught me so much in what seems like such a short amount of time. You have helped me to appreciate the small blessings in life. I will always be grateful for you, my greatest blessing. xoxo, Momma

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