It’s been about two months since Wyatt picked up and used his binki.
No, we didn’t take them away from him.
In fact we kept trying to GIVE them to him.
Especially at night when he had a hard time falling asleep.
Because his binkis used to soothe him.
But, no.
He was done.
And I know what I type next will sound completely silly.. but…
I miss it.
I miss the sound, I miss how relaxed he would become.
Most of all I miss how cute he looked with one –
Because when he had his binki – he was still a baby.
My baby.
And now, we’ll now he is just through that “phase” of binki lovin’.
What’s your binki story?
Does your little one still use one?
Or have they too become 16 overnight?
Well hey, look on the bright side! At least you didn’t have a horrible time trying to take it away!
We took Bentley’s away when he was almost 1 and we went through a bit of hell the first couple of days. Then he realized, “Oh hey, I don’t really care anymore!” ๐
Some of my friends kids who are around 3 are actually still having a hard time with it!
Good for him for being a big boy and giving it up all on his own! ๐
PS- He’ll always be your baby! ♥
Love you guys!
You have a good point! I know I am lucky not to have struggled with that – but he’s growing up too fast!! ๐
Quinn never really took one. We tried a couple different ones, but she never wanted them. We have a couple around the house and she’ll randomly chew on one (to help teething, I assume) and usually it’s upside down.
Hah! Wyatt used his upside down towards the end – looks like a mustache ๐
we just started using one a week ago and it’s made such a difference in my baby girls fussiness…i’m hoping she’ll just wean herself off too!
Oh, Wyatt used to love his! You could feel his body relax when he used one. Oh, the magic a little piece of plastic has!
i’m listening to my little guy suck on his right now. and i’ve never thought about it before now, but i know i will miss it one day too. they grow up way too fast.
Savor the noises friend, because you’ll be without them someday (like me) and miss them dearly!
lol – at first I thought this post was titled – “no more bikinis”. I was confused! How exciting though ๐
haha! No more bikinis was looooongggg ago for me honey! lol
I so understand the sad part- I always felt sad. But be thankful that he gave it up by himself- it was always torture when we had to take them away! Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend!
And I need your address- go see my post for today and you’ll see why. ๐
I saw! I saw! Did you get my email?!
My older daughter used hers until she was two…then the binky fairy came along and brought it to another little person who needed one. LOL. It was messing with her teeth.
If you’d like to link up on the Photo Friday Blog Hop- you are welcome to add this or any other favorite post.. It’s up all weekend. Enjoy! Cheers!
I love the binky fairy story – so cute! ๐
Oh my gosh… those first two pacifiers are the same as Liam’s favorites!!! Ha! Liam is obsessed with pacifiers. He needs them to go to sleep. Rory hates them… so he takes hers too, of course ๐
Rory won’t take one?! Well, how will you get the cute binky pictures?! Man, I’m telling you – Liam is such a cutie pie! You have the most precious babes (binky or no binky). ๐ xo.