Hello there friends! Hope you’re having an amazing Thursday so far!
Today I wanted to talk a little bit about making baby food. I only did it a few times when Wyatt was a baby but I still had the Baby Bullet Kit just sitting in my kitchen. The food we were serving Levi was near $1 per can (its organic) and when I researched it I came across all sorts of info about GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism) and it kinda creeped me out. So, in effort to not only know exactly what Levi was eating AND save $$ I began my baby food adventure.
I started off really simple. I went to the “fancy” grocery store and found some organic non-gmo carrots and avocados the small haul above cost $10. It was my first real go at making food so I wanted to see how much I could get out of the two bundles of carrots and 3 avocados.
Carrots: Wash and peel carrots, boil water on stove, add carrots in for around 12 minutes (or until soft), put in blender with 1/4 cup water – blend until smooth.
Avocado: Remove skin, cut into smaller pieces, add to blender with 1/4 cup water, blend until smooth.
I added everything to containers – the Tupperware on the left (avocado) went in the freezer and the carrots stayed in the fridge. They’re pretty large containers – and each one was enough for two feedings, so Levi eats one container per day.
All in all (there was more in the freezer!) we made about a week & a half worth of food! I like to mix the veggies into his oatmeal in the morning and then feed him straight vegetables for the rest of his meals.
I also whipped up some bananas too – which was much less expensive than the carrots or avocado. It took 4 bananas to make a whole ice cube tray (another awesome way to freeze and store food) worth of food, perfect for individual servings.
Bananas: (peel banana, slice, add 1/4 cup water, blend until smooth.
This is JUST the beginning of our baby food making journey – I can’t wait to explore more! Levi’s pediatrician said to only introduce one new food per week so we’re slowly making our way through. He absolutely loved the carrots and is loving the avocado too!
Have you made baby food?
What are your favorite recipes?!
Wow – that is so awesome that you are making your own! Where were you when I had three babies?? LOL
I’m trying! It takes more time but it’s also fun to make his food ๐
I keep telling myself that when I have kids I’ll make a lot of their baby food on my own… I guess it’s one of those things that I’ll see if I actually live up to that when I get there haha. I have a friend doing her own right now though, so I’ll pass this on to her!
You can definitely do it – I wish I would have done this with Wyatt. I tried, but never stuck with it.
Oh yes..I made baby food a LOT when Makayla was small!! Loved it!! I mixed lots of things together (aka roasted pears and blueberries..any combo you can imagine!)..it was so much fun to experiment! Plus if there was something she didn’t like..I could add in something she did like and get it into her..lol!
Yes! Exactly! It’s so fun to experiment – I’ve been pinning recipes from everywhere!
I’ve started making my own baby food as well, and I honestly think it’s such a cheaper solution. Also, like you mentioned, you know exactly what’s going into your baby’s belly! I just started with my little guy as well, but so far he’s absolutely adoring it. We started on spinach, which I didn’t even cook, I simply blended with some water until it was fine. Then, because it was his first food tried, I mixed in a bit of formula to ease the transition. He loves it. Carrots are his absolute favorite, but green beans is a close second. I am super happy to see him loving this new food, especially healthy veggies. Hope your adventures go as swimmingly as mine have!
Ooh, spinach is a good idea! Levi LOVES carrots too! They’re his fav!