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A new Titanic exhibit came to the museum. And those who know me, know I am obsessed with sunken ships. I know, it’s weird. Don’t judge. I find them all {especially the Titanic} so interesting. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to take pictures inside this exhibit. So, I snapped some other photos of the shots we […]

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Lovely readers, things have been crazy around the Rayburn household. And I mean crazy. Wyatt is getting in not one, not two, not three, but FOUR teeth at the same time. So, as you can imagine things have been pretty fun around here. William {my hub} started a new job so with school and work […]

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Yesterday night at around six, I noticed Wyatt getting a little stuffy. Really congested, bad coughs – the works. My little bug has a bit of a bug, his first ever. So I sat with him in the bathroom with the shower on as hot as it could go and we “steamed” for a bit. […]

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Some days, like today my heart fills with love for Wyatt. Tonight like any other night, I put him to sleep and tonight like any other night, I lingered over his crib just for a minute to watch him sleep. There is something so relaxing about watching a baby sleep, and for that minute every […]

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