Searching for "autism"

Oh, where do I even start here? If you haven’t read Wyatt’s story you can do so here. (There are a lot of other stories there too that may be helpful). I guess it goes back to a few months ago when I was talking to someone about the progress their child had made with […]

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The scary thing about an Autism Evaluation is the fact that it’s an Autism Evaluation.The morning of the appointment I felt unsure. I was nervous. A small part of me was convinced that maybe this would be the diagnosis that put all of the thoughts floating around to rest. Instead it seems as if all […]

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This is the moment when you look up into the sky and can still see the sun shimmering through the thin layers of clouds. The darkness has not yet floated overhead, the rain has not began falling, but you can feel the chaos stirring. There is an odd calmness in the air and the light […]

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Today was Wyatt’s big speech evaluation. And although it didn’t go exactly as I had envisioned it – I am definitely glad that we went, learned, and met the people who we’ll be working with for the next few months/years/however long it takes. We sat in a small room while the therapist watched Wyatt and […]

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