women’s health

  What if the things we considered to be “flaws” weren’t actually flaws at all? What if they were just a piece of our story, the part that makes us different & unique? Just a small fraction of what makes us, us. 💊 What if my chronic illness wasn’t a flaw, what if it is […]

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A huge thanks to Change the Cycle sponsored by Hologic, Inc. for educating women about all below the belt health issues and helping to spread the word by sponsoring today’s post. Hello, friends! I’m back again to open up the discussion about women’s health issues that are “below the belt”. If you didn’t catch the […]

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  A huge thanks to Hologic, Inc.for sponsoring today’s post. We Hate Heavy Periods Hello, friends! Let’s talk PERIODS. I know what you’re thinking – didn’t we secretly sign a contract saying we’d never ever share those kinds of private details with one another? NOPE. Women’s health topics are so under-discussed it’s crazy – which […]

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