So while browsing here on blog land I saw a post on Under the Table & Dreaming where Honey and Maple Syrup shared a tutorial on Ballard Inspired Alphabet Ornaments. I thought they were beautiful! Then today as I was shopping at Joann’s I saw the ornaments for 50% off making them about $2.50 for four! I knew this would be a great handmade gift to give for the holidays so I snatched some up!
Supplies Needed:
1) A Sharpie Marker!
{ Images from: }
2) Ribbon

3) Craft paint

3) Craft paint
4) Clear Bulbs
image from:
All I did was follow Honey & Maple Syrups instructions on how to paint them and used a Sharpie to free-hand a monogram letter. For inspiration Google the letter you are going to use and go from there. Then just add some ribbon and you’re done!
{I added the year on the back}
Here’s what you get:
All hung and pretty:

Cute huh? And SO inexpensive! I just used craft paint I had, ribbon I had and a sharpie. The total cost for all three of these was just $2.50! The fourth ornament was a “tester” and didn’t make the final cut.. now I have to figure out what I’ll do to fix him 🙂
Cute huh? And SO inexpensive! I just used craft paint I had, ribbon I had and a sharpie. The total cost for all three of these was just $2.50! The fourth ornament was a “tester” and didn’t make the final cut.. now I have to figure out what I’ll do to fix him 🙂
Link to Honey and Maple Syrup’s guest post on Under the Table and Dreaming: