I love my mornings with Wyatt.
He wakes up (usually between 8 – 9), I change him, get him some milk, make myself coffee and we sit together on the big couch. There are always blankets in our living room – all around at an arms reach, and we like it that way. We both snuggle up, and usually by this time the cats have joined us – and we just sit there for a good 10-15 minutes. He lets me run my fingers through his hair and sing softly to him, and it’s just us.
Just a time for the two of us. William wakes up and leaves the house before we even get up – so every morning I am lucky enough to have this little man (and his snuggles) all to myself. I just can’t get enough. We are both still in a morning haze, waking up, and getting ready to start our day. It’s one of my favorite parts about each day.
It’s these little moments we need to remember.
The little moments we need to cherish.
Because when hard times hit – these little moments are what pull us through.
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