
Lately, we’ve been spending a lot of time in the back yard. We filled up our little blue plastic swimming pool for the first time this year and the boys had a blast splashing around. There’s just something about being outside together that I love. The boys love being outside and exploring, and I can’t get enough of that fresh air after working in the office all day. 




We’re also in the process of redecorating and repainting our living room – which, I thought would be a really fun experience but it has been forever since I painted anything. And let me tell, painting kinda stinks. But, I know it will be all worth it once it’s done and our living room is bright and fresh. We’re painting over the dark grey and using a crisp white and a light tan accent color to help brighten up the space. I got some amazing furniture pieces that we still need to assemble and it will just be a huge blessing to have a “nice” living area!

paint living room

I thought it would be fun and therapeutic to write down a thankful list to share – don’t you just love doing those? Anyways, here is my list! But first.. check out this adorable gift Wyatt brought home for me on Friday, he even decorated a little bag to put it in as well. So, so, sweet!


Thankful List:

  1. Health: I’ve been feeling pretty terrible health-wise, and had to start a gluten-free/dairy-free diet. BUT I’m thankful for the team I have working with me, especially my physical therapist, who is just an incredible person that I have the pleasure of working with twice a week. If you have Endometriosis and haven’t tried doing physical therapy, try it. You’ll love it!
  2. Work: I am absolutely loving my job lately, working from home and being able to see my boys whenever I want is truly a gift. I feel like I’m really starting to get in my work groove at home, I do so many different things and had to let go of a few to gain my sanity back. Overworking myself is something I do on a regular basis because I have a difficult time saying no. But, don’t want to spend all day working, I want to spend time with my little loves, so I’ve had to exercise that “no” word a lot more, and it hasn’t been half bad.
  3. Littles: I’m always thankful for the little guys in my life. They’re both growing and doing so many exciting things – Wyatt is doing amazing in school, Levi is a chatterbox, and I’m just so grateful for each messy, wonderful day with them.
  4. William: My husband is my hero, seriously. Being a stay-at-home dad is not an easy job but he executes it so effortlessly. It makes my heart so happy to know that we are raising our kids together, and that my boys will have this incredible bond with their father. It’s not easy to care for two little ones 3 and under and I am so thankful to have such a supportive, loving, husband who allows me to flex my creative muscles and do something I’m passionate about.
  5. Miracle Feet: I started a small fundraiser called Levi’s Friends to raise money to cover the full treatment of three clubfoot little ones and we reached our goal today! I love supporting Miracle Feet in any way that I can because they do SO much good for the clubfoot community. Huge shout-out again to anyone who shared or donated! 


Ah, that felt good to write out. 

What are YOU thankful for?