Hi, friends!

So I’m guessing you’ve seen the Captain Obvious commercials on television, right? Or, maybe you’ve come across a few of his tweets on twitter, because he’s got over 300,000 followers who are hanging off his every word. Captain Obvious is adding a little commentary in what has proven to be an interesting election this year. Also, he is physically running for president, like, actually running. While running, he’ll be sharing his thoughts – and it’s definitely something to follow.

Captain Obvious

Fans can follow Captain Obviousโ€™ run, share content, get merchandise, and follow along with what state he is currently running through. It’s like Forest Gump all over again! Hotels.com has partnered with Captain Obvious to offer him running shoes, socks, a warm bed to sleep in at night, and anything else he requires.

Captain Obvious

Check out this TV spot to see him in action:


And be sure you’re following along on his twitter page and the #obviouspresident hashtag, you don’t want to miss what he’s going to tweet next ๐Ÿ™‚ They’ve been pretty funny so far!

So, have YOU seen Captain Obvious running in your town?

Are you following along on his journey HERE