Need a relaxing bath? Don’t have the money to splurge on bath products? See if there is something here that you can whip up at home! Most of these awesome products are made from items that are likely to be in your pantry! Or, head out to the store and purchase the ingredients to make […]

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I know you’ve felt it too.Days when you just freeze and think…Man, this is hard Days when one baby is screaming and the other is in the corner throwing a completely different tantrum and you’re caught in this tornado of emotion just trying to bring the peace and calm it down. It’s easy to get […]

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Disclosure: A huge thanks to LUSH cosmetics for sponsoring today’s post. As you all know – recently I had surgery. Well one of the worst parts was not being able to relax and take a bath each night like I love. Insert the Uplifted Gift Set from LUSH. It was the perfect little gift to […]

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Disclosure: A Huge thanks to Kayser Chrysler Center of Watertown for sponsoring today’s post. Hey friends! Today we’re continuing to talk cars and what vehicles are great for families! I’ve loved reading your comments on this post and I love getting different perspectives and opinions about what works for you and your family! After searching […]

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Today is a happy day, because I am able to report that Levi can now have his boots and bar off for 8 hours a day! 8 hours people! That’s a huge deal! He is now able to wiggle those toes and kick those feet for hours upon hours and it’s been great! This whole […]

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