Woman’s Day magazine did this to my kitchen. I’ve had their cupcakes in my head for WEEKS now. Especially the spiders– so the hubby and I went out, bought the ingredients and got to work! I live in an apartment complex so I am making these babies for my neighbors, the handy-man, and all the […]
Stencil Crazy.
First I was just getting out the paint and stencils to decorate my spaghetti holder. I used a dry erase marker to write the word “eat“, and then painted over it. It looked so cute. This is where trouble sets in, and an addiction begins. { “Oh that R in our living room could use […]
Toilet paper sunburst & More.

This post will shock and amaze you. I’m just surprised I’m actually sharing it. Well, yesterday I wanted to do a little something to spruce up my lamp. A skirt to make her a bit cuter I thought. So I cut individual flower petals from some scrap felt I had, and used my handy-dandy glue […]
Keep Calm & Carry On
Yesterday was just one of “those“ days- where everything seemed to go wrong- Just a rotten day. I needed a little something to remind myself that most of the time, it’s not worth stressing over. And you really can’t help the situations in which you have no control. So I made myself a little daily […]
Last Night..
I had a jam-packed day yesterday, so my husband William made dinner. It turned out sooo good, I had to share! {Chicken & Rice Casserole} {And some fresh green beans of course} {Served up} {We ate here, at my Goodwill spruced up table! (the place mats were 99cents!)} Feel free to email me for the […]