Searching for "Levi"

Little Levi’s foot It’s really hard to make the transition from your world being upside down to it being almost right-side up again. There is no way I could ever explain the mental craziness that happened this week. It was a roller-coaster of emotions – one minute I was fine, the next I was lying […]

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Man, oh man.I absolutely love family time.Seriously, there is nothing better.Exploring new (and familiar) places.Going to the zoo, the park, or simply snuggling to watch “The Muppets” together. I love having William home so I can escape for an hour to have some much needed “mommy time”. To light a candle. Run some hot water. And […]

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Lately we’ve been taking things easy. We’ve really been focusing on saving money – we now watch every penny. I’ve been clipping coupons, shopping sales, and I’ve been getting some pretty great deals in the process. It’s amazing when you can finally make the change to only buying things you really need. It kinda feels […]

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