Searching for "wyatt"

I wish I could say that Wyatt’s first birthday party went exactly as I had pictured. But, that would be lying. The fact was – baby boy had a 102 fever and was cutting a tooth. So from start to {almost} finish – he cried & screamed & cried some more. We actually had to […]

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Wait for the water to fill the tub – add just enough bubbles & all of your toys.  Hop in & test the waters. Play and yell really loud until you start to get sleepy. Then have your momma get you out of the tub and wrap you up in the cutest hooded towel she […]

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Giving birth to Wyatt was one of the hardest things that I have ever done. I was in labor with Wyatt for 25 long, grueling, hours. And those hours seemed to take lifetimes to complete. My memory is a bit hazy because I believe the pain took over my whole entire being, so much so […]

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 Dear Wyatt,             Thank you for always making me smile. For making me believe in miracles, blessings, and the phrase “good things come to those who wait.“ Thank you for being patient while I’ve been sick this past week. Thanks for putting up with your daddy’s antics and allowing your Puppa and Nana to babysit you. […]

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Let me first start off by saying, you are so amazing. I am so proud of you every. single. day. Even on your bad days  {because they all aren’t candy canes and rainbows I’ll tell you that}. Like today, when you were screaming – fighting off a nap. I just pretended you were screaming “I love […]

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