I wondered how I would be able to love them both equally.
Would I love Levi enough?
Would it be the same?
And how would this all change my relationship with Wyatt?
I had no idea how much my heart would expand to make room – but it just did. As soon as I saw Levi it just all just fell into place. I had worried about not showing him enough love or showing Wyatt too little. I was nervous about bringing him home, nervous about how Wyatt would react.
But I have to tell you, only the first few days were hard. Wyatt ignored me for two days after coming home with Levi. He didn’t want to play with me and wouldn’t give me eye contact – and it broke my heart. But, I completely understood. Here was his momma with a new baby – a new baby that was taking up so much attention that was previously all his.
Those two days were long ones. Luckily, William was home to help me out and help with the transition of introducing Levi to Wyatt. They aren’t “best friends” just quite yet – but Wyatt will give him kisses and want to be near him and that’s pretty much all I can ask for at this point. I am more intentional with my time and make special efforts to have one-on-one time with Wyatt whenever I can. Even if it’s just giving him a bath or reading him a story. I like to have that time together, just the two of us – it makes me feel reconnected to him and I can tell that his little heart loves it.
I can’t wait to see the relationship between Wyatt & Levi grow and bloom. Wyatt has such a sweet and kind heart and I just know he will look after his brother like no one else ever could. It’s such an amazing gift to be given – these two precious boys, I am so thankful!
And the moment I knew that everything would be alright, that this rough patch would pass, was the moment when Wyatt curled up next to his brother on the couch and fell asleep. I watched as the two slept together under the cozy blankets and my heart became so full of love. I needed that moment, I needed that reassurance.