So, I was just minding my own business making my Christmas crafts when I decided to check and see if there was anything new happening in blog world and WHAM! I saw that the lovely Christina from Christina’s Adventure’s gave me this award {my first ever}!!
Here are the rules that came along with the award:
1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.
7 Things about me:
1. I love to read, write and analyze literature. {English Major}
2. Crafting is my escape from stress, give me a glue gun and I’m happy.
3. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 3 years now ๐
4. I talk to my cats all the time, I will become the crazy cat lady.
5. Doctors told me I’d never get pregnant, and I am {2 months now!}
6. I get a rush when I find something fantastic at Goodwill.
7. I can’t wait to be a momma!
My 15 Chosen Bloggers:
1. Rachel @ Coyote Kind
2. Kristi @ The Speckled Dog
3. Kristin @ The Sugar Foots Shop
4. JMay @ The Sweede Records
5. Allison @ Vintage Pollyanna
6. Stephanie Lynn@ Under The Table and Dreaming
7. Bella @ Bella Before and After
8. Claire @ Bless My Nest
8. Christina @ Christina’s Adventures
9. Daydream Believer @ Daydream Believers
10. @ Finding Home
11. Christine @ Following Phubie
12. Allison @ House of Hepworths
13. Ashley @ Little Miss Momma
14. Brittany @ Pretty Handy Girl
15. Jen @ Tatertots and Jello
What I did tonight: