The bluum box is a monthly subscription program that sends 4-5 select momma and baby samples to your door each month. It’s a chance to try products you might not have picked out for yourself. I was curious so I ordered a box {plans start at $11/month} – also, there are various websites out there that offer discount codes and/or cheaper subscription rates so keep your eyes peeled!
Off the bat I really liked the presentation.
The box is made of thick cardboard and there is pretty teal tissue paper inside
{I will definitely re-use all of this}.
Right inside is a coupon for a baby sitting company- which would prove useful to someone who was looking for a qualified sitter, etc.
Then there was a piece of chocolate {in the brown box}, a sample of tea, samples of lotion {face and a night cream}, scented pillow mist, and Peter Rabbit organic baby food.
The lotion samples are fantastic and the pillow mist smells soooo good- it’s all natural so I am going to spritz it on little Wyatt’s bed too! Unfortunately, Wyatt has a banana allergy so I am going to have to give the baby food pouch to another momma and my hubby ate the chocolate… he said it was really good! I’m going to save that tea sample for later tonight {when I’m done writing this post!}.
All in all my Bluum box was okay. I really love getting mail and trying new products- I just wish more of them had been for Wyatt. I didn’t pay full price for the boxes- I got a deal through and I believe I ended up paying $13 or $14 for a 3-month subscription.
You can go here to sign-up or get more info about the Bluum Box.
I am very excited to see what next months box has to offer and I will definitely write up a review when it gets here!
PS: I am working on a Citrus Lane review as well- it will be posted tomorrow ๐
{Disclaimer: The links used in this post are referral links, which means if you sign-up for a Bluum Box, little Wyatt will get a $5 credit that can be applied toward his next box. {If you would rather not use my link you can click here to go to the Bluum official site} This review was 100% my opinion}
Sharing @ Someday Crafts, Free Pretty Things for You
I had heard about this. I will look into it, and may order one… my babe is 13 months though, she he might be getting a bit old?
Thanks for the review! ๐
Yeah, on their site it says the boxes are geared for 0-12 months so Wyatt will be too old for them too! {His b-day is in May}. But, there was word of them possibly doing boxes for different age brackets as well- here’s hoping!
That’s really neat! I might have to try it when the new baby gets here!
I would definitely try it if I were you- it’s always nice to get a fun “suprise” package! ๐ Thanks for the comment Tori!