I wish there was a way to protect him from ever being hurt.
From ever having his heart broken, or feelings hurt.
I think back to when I was growing up and I remember how I felt.
I never want Wyatt to feel like that.
I want him to always know that he is loved.
I want him to always know that William and I are there for him.
I never want him to feel like we don’t care about him – or don’t think he is important.
Because he is the most important thing to us, and always will be.

I want him to always be comfortable sharing his heart with us.
I never want to make him feel like he can’t come to me with something that’s bothering him.
I want to hold him close and never hurt him.
I want to keep him safe and make him feel loved.
I want him to grow and flourish in a creative and active environment.
I want to always show him how much I love him.
Now, in the future, and always.
I will never give up on him, ever.
I will always support him and be his biggest fan.

Even when he’s 50 years old.
He will still be my baby.
I will still tell him I love him everyday.
Because he is such a special person.

I want him to always feel loved.