Writing about the boys is my favorite thing to do. And since this year has gotten a little crazy with work and now school, I feel like I haven’t been able to dedicate the time to sit down and record my thoughts about them. So here’s a super-sweet + simple post that documents each boy, and five awesome things about them.
- Your love for reading has been taken to a whole other level. I love watching you flip through the pages of your favorite books, I especially love hearing you read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” – to your brother.
- Your sweetness is just getting stronger as you get older. You still love to kiss and cuddle and hold hands, you’re still totally a mommas boy – and I’m soaking up all of these precious moments while I have them.
- You are SUCH a good big brother to Levi. You share (even when you don’t want to) and you’re gentle with him. You hand him pretzels when you’re eating them, and give him kisses when he needs them.
- You’ve been having trouble falling asleep in your own bed lately, so you always go to bed in “momma’s bed”. Then later on, I sneak under the blankets and snuggle you for a few minutes before your dad scoops you up and carries you to bed. But for those few minutes, it’s warm, peaceful, and the only thing I can hear are your little breaths in and out.
- Your top five loves are: dinosaurs, cars, books, soft blankets, and milk.
- You’re the sassiest 19 month old I’ve ever come across. You give stink-eye like it’s your job, and you are the loudest little one when we’re at the store. You have a strong personality, and you love even stronger.
- You love books like your brother, your favorites are “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and “Polar Bear, Polar Bear” – you also love any book with a pig in it. You love to carry around your books and forcefully push them into my hands to read, ALL DAY LONG. Your daddy is constantly reading those books to you while you’re in his lap, gliding in the living room chair.
- You have a small, soft blanket with cars on it that you carry around sometimes. You sleep with it every single night and when I come in to check on you before heading off to bed you’re always holding it between you’re sweet dimpled hands.
- You love your big brother. You love playing beside him, stealing toys from him, and sharing food with him. Whatever he has, you want. Sometimes you’ll climb up in the big chair in the living room and sit beside him.
- Your top five loves are: Food (any kind, off anyone’s plate), your car blanket, anything Mickey Mouse, books, matchbox cars.