A huge thanks to our friends at KinderCare for sponsoring todays post. Keep scrolling to read more about Dropping Your Child Off at School or Childcare for the First Time.
Dropping Your Child Off at School or Childcare for the First Time
Nothing will prepare you for the day you have to drop your kiddo off at childcare or school for the first time. It’s such an emotional day, because you’re feeling so many different things at once rushing in like a tidal wave. You’re feeling sad because your kiddo is now old enough to go out on their own for the first time, you’re feeling scared because maybe you’ve never left them anywhere like this before, and you’re feeling proud that your kiddo is growing up and blooming into this tiny little person.
This year was Levi’s first year of preschool, and I remember the day we dropped him off like it was just yesterday. I was so nervous, this was my baby – the last child I’d ever have, and he was heading off to preschool. I tried to prep everything the night before, laid out his favorite outfit (he chose it), packed his backpack, and read a few books about going to school with him. We were as prepared as we could be, and it definitely made the morning of much smoother.
Something that really helped me to feel more comfortable was meeting his teachers and seeing his classroom beforehand. I think this is true with childcare, too – visiting and getting comfortable with who your kiddo will be with and where they will be will help them to feel at ease because you’re at ease. Kids can pick up on our own fears and emotions more than we know, so if you’re nervous – schedule time to visit, it will help you tremendously.
When I was Levi’s age, I went to KinderCare while my mom worked. Did you know that KinderCare opened its doors back in 1969? Since then, they’ve been committed to help hard-working families pursue their dreams by offering childcare that they could feel great about. They’ve got 1,400 centers in 38 different states which means more families have access to their amazing centers, and so KinderCare can keep doing what they’ve been doing for years, provide outstanding services, confidence, and comfort in families across the nation. I remember going, making friends, and having fun – and on the day I dropped Levi off at school for the first time, I could only hope that he’d have the same experience.
And guess what, he did! When my husband and I picked him up after his first day, he couldn’t wait to tell us all about it! He was beaming with pride, and so were we. Isn’t it amazing how much pride you can feel for something your kiddo accomplishes? Knowing that Levi was safe and comfortable made me feel so much better about dropping him off each day, and it allowed me to fully focus on my workday without worry. That for me was HUGE.
Parenting is hard, there are a million decisions you have to make each day, things to plan out, etc. So it’s nice when something as big as childcare doesn’t have to be a daily stress. If you’re looking for a great place to take your kiddo, click below so you can learn more about KinderCare!
Learn more about Kindercare here.
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