Trying to prepare for Levi to get here has been slow-slow-slow. To be honest, I really don’t have much done. We are still working on putting his nursery together (we have the crib installed!) and I still haven’t packed our hospital bag, etc. But I did make this handy list of everything I know I will want so I don’t forget anything! That counts for something – right?
Beauty / Bath:
-Nipple Cream
-Face Lotion
-Face Wash
-Face Wipes
-Hair Ties
-All purpose Balm
– Breast Pads
-Nursing Tank
-Phone – pictures!
-Notebook – for writing everything down!
-Cozy Blanket – for snuggling up with my new little one
-Slippers from here.
I’d add a water bottle, or better yet, a water bottle with an attached straw. The straw makes so you don’t have to sit upright to drink, which is much more comfortable after giving birth. I’d also add a few sanitary pads, since you don’t know what the hospital might offer.
Ooh! Good call – I didn’t even think about that. Thank you so much! ๐
LOVE that bag, where is it from? I also packed along my phone charger and pillow from home my three times. Good luck momma!:D
My own pjs, clothes and blankets for the baby. Reading material, Treats, flip flops, and pillow!
My own pjs, clothes and blankets for the baby. Reading material, Treats, flip flops, and pillow!
Fantastic post – a great reference for moms-to-be.