A huge thanks to Barn Light Electric for providing the lighting for our bathroom makeover. Opinions are 100% my own.
bathroom lighting

Hi, friends!

As you may or may not know, we’re currently giving our half bath a makeover! You can check out Post One Here! Well, I knew I wanted to incorporate some barn lighting into the bathroom, but I had no idea which styles I liked, or even where to start. I happened to find Barn Light Electric online and fell in LOVE with their entire selection of lighting, seriously, every piece is gorgeous. And I also really loved reading their company history.

I spent hours browsing their selection and finally narrowed it down to a few of my “top picks” for our half bathroom makeover. I wanted to do something fun and share them with you, and have you tell me what YOUR favorite is, ready?


Links to my favorites (pictured):

  1. Atomic Streamline Industrial Guard Sconce
  2. Atomic Topless Double Market Industrial Guard Sconceย 
  3. The Rowland Ball Jar Sconce
  4. Austin Double Straight Arm Vanity Light
  5. Atomic Industrial Guard Wall Sconce
  6. The Bowie Copper Wall Sconce
  7. Atomic Streamline Industrial Guard Sconceย (jadeite)

Okay, now the fun part!

Comment below telling me what your favorite is!